Thursday, October 10, 2013


I had fun today! I practiced sensitizing and desensitizing, and I cantered barrels!!! It was so much fun and I don't think I have had that much fun in forever! Soon I bet Hershey and I will be galloping across the pasture and soaring like birds..... Oh how fun that would be! I found out the difference between a lope and a canter today, which I thought were the same actually were not, a lope is slower than a canter, and today I cantered! I even went over a little jump on him too! It was fun, I think Hershey was getting a little tired during our lesson, and when I dismounted for a minute and then went to get back on, he was asleep! LoL!!! I was so excited because my trainer told me that I could go as fast as I felt safe to go around the barrels!!!! I was so excited that when I did the barrels I tried to go really fast, but Hershey was so tired that he wouldn't go any faster than a fast canter, but I still had SO MUCH FUN!!!

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